BRICS New Financial and Investment Initiatives: Economic and Geopolitical Implications
Jeudi 05 mai 2016
Tags : Politiques économiques - BRICS
Colloque international organisé par Asia Centre les 5 et 6 mai à Barcelone en collaboration avec l'Inalco, USPC, l'Université de Barcelone et CEI International Affairs. Le séminaire regroupe des experts sur la Chine, l'Inde, Asie Centrale, l'Asie du Sud-Est et l'Europe.
The year 2015 have seen the emergence of new financial institutions and investment schemes promoted by the BRICS countries (AIIB and NDB), where China and India are playing a central role. Concurrently, China has been promoting actively a new grand investment scheme for Central Asia, South East Asia, Eastern and South of Europe through the “One Belt, One Road” initiative. These initiatives show that the two Asiatic giants are willing to negotiate a new turn in their economic development strategy with several potential important economic and geopolitical implications at the international level.
Are we entering in an era of competition between these BRICS sponsored institutions and the Bretton-Woods institutions (World Bank and IMF) or parallel and additional financing institution like the Asian Development Bank? Will they promote new rules when granting loans to developing countries? How will BRICS countries assess political risk in such a vast array of countries potentially eligible for receiving loans? Are we witnessing a new Marshall Plan for Asia and what potential impact it can have on the recipients countries? Where does EU stands in these initiatives? Will EU firms be able to take a slice of the total investment or will it be mainly a tool used by BRICS firms to enlarge their domination in these regions?
- Session inaugurale
- La création de nouvelles institutions financières et son impact sur l'organisation régionale et mondiale.
- Gérer le risque économique et politique dans un environnement international: un nouveau rôle pour la Chine et l'Inde
- Viser l'Asie Centrale, l'Asie du Sud-Est et l'Europe de l'Est pour les infrastructures, les investissements et le développement commercial.