Taiwan’s new political landscape after the January 2016 presidential election and its international consequences

Mercredi 27 janvier 2016

Meeting with Dr. Tung Chen-yuan

Tags : Taïwan

Dr. Tung Chen-yuan, distinguished professor at the Graduate Institute of Development Studies and director of the Center for Prediction
Markets at the National Chengchi University ( Taiwan ), visiting fellow at Berkeley (USA).

Dr. Tung Chen-yuan received his Ph.D. degree majoring in international affairs from the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University . He was vice chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council, Executive Yuan, Republic of China (Taiwan), from September 2006 to May 2008. Tung’s expertise focuses on international political economy, Chinese economic development, Taiwan- U.S.-China trilateral relations, and prediction markets.

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His published books include Cross-Strait Economic Relations in the Era of Globalization (2003, in Chinese), Cross-Strait Economic Relations in the Era of Globalization: China’s Leverage and Taiwan’s Vulnerability (2008) and The East Asian Economic Integration Regime and Taiwan’s Strategy (2009, in Chinese). His edited book includes Renminbi Exchange Rate: Economic and Strategic Analysis (2004, in Chinese). His book chapters include «Challenges in the Era of Hu Jingtao» (2002, in Chinese), «The Globalization of the Chinese Economy» (2002), «Future China: Degenerative Totalitarianism» (2004, in Chinese), «China Today» (2005), «China as the World Factory» (2006), and «Presidential Politics in Taiwan: The Administration of Chen Shui-bian» (2008).

The round table will be held in English and hosted by Jean-François Di Meglio, Asia Centre.

Discussant: Dr. Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Associated fellow, Asia Centre, Professor and Head, Department of Government and International Studies HKBU

Registration compulsory at contact@centreasia.eu

Presentation of an ID will be needed to enter the premises.


Derniers médias associés

JP Cabestan: "Taïwan : quelle stratégie pour la Chine de Xi Jinping ?" dans Asialyst

Mercredi 13 janvier 2016

A la veille des élections à Taïwan, il est un autre acteur qui ne participe ni à la présidentielle ni aux législatives du 16 janvier. Il s’agit de Xi .....


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