Economy and Governance


Research in this area focuses on major economic trends, financial systems and the liberalization and integration in global trade. China’s rapid growth is transforming regional and global balances, and has a central role in the current economic crisis of Western powers. The United States’ Trans-Pacific Partnership project, China’s participation in the European economy, and the gambit of the emerging countries in international institutions are part of the key trends and events closely observed by Asia Centre.




  • Jean-Raphaël Chaponnière +

  • Yingyuan Sarah Chen +

  • Jean-François Di Meglio +

  • François Godement +

  • Agatha Kratz +

  • Yves Tiberghien +

  • Candice Tran Dai +

  • Thibaud Voïta +


  • Trade +

  • Finance and monetary policy +

  • Economic development +
  • Governance +

  • Economic policies +



Chinese Economy: Figures and Trends

Asia Centre, in partnership with the web site Red Economist created by Romain Lafarguette and Hewei Zhou, is now offering a new French-language page, completely dedicated to the Chinese economy. You will find weekly key figures explained by L’Echo de la Chine, Red Economist’s newsletter, as well as a selection of eco articles by China Analysis and analyses written by our partners.

  • Visit the page + This page will be updated soon, thankyou for your understanding.



Our Economic Club

Our exclusive club brings together decision-makers and business leaders who meet informally to explore from a business point of view economic, financial and strategic developments in the Asia-Pacific area. Since 2006, the annual cycles of the Economic Breakfasts offer access to prominent experts who address practical questions relevant to business circles and propose concrete answers to the challenges they face.

  • Chair of the Club: Jean-François Di Meglio
  • Economic Breakfasts +

  • Subscribe to the Economic Breakfasts +



The Regulation Programme and Economic Governance

During France’s presidency of the G20 in 2011, this multi-year programme focused on analysing the situation and role of Asian powers in Financial and Economic Regulatory Institutions. In 2012, two themes were studied in depth: firstly, the American Transpacific Partnership (TPP), with the aim of providing strategy recommendations for the EU in the Asia-Pacific region, and secondly, the structuring of emerging countries in international negotiations and the position of each of these countries in relation to China and vice versa. In 2013, work focused on three key areas: the impact of Chinese energy and climate policies on international negotiations; mapping sustainable urban development in China; analysing relationships between the EU and its Asian partners, particularly Japan and India.

  • Director of the program: Jean-François Di Meglio

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Latest publications

South Korea's Economic Particularities

Wednesday 16 July 2014

A special report in the 3rd issue of Korea Analysis will focus on the Korean economy, 15th largest in ..... read more

China’s Expanding Cyberspace

Wednesday 11 June 2014

China’s rapid economic growth has led to technical developments which have been overcoming ..... read more

The European Union, France and their partners in the Asia Pacific region

Thursday 15 May 2014

America's desire to regain their commercial lead in Asia has been expressed through the Transpacific ..... read more

Establishing foreign Internet companies in China: Restrictions and risks linked to ICT access to the Chinese market

Wednesday 07 May 2014

China is by far the largest global exporter of ICT products, with exports reaching 356 billion dollars ..... read more

Xi Jinping’s European Tour: What Opportunities for France?

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Two researchers specialising in China have placed the visit of the President of the People’s Republic ..... read more


Latest related media

Wednesday 16 July 2014

In a recent declaration, Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China, announced his intention to reduce official intervention in the exchange rate of the yuan. This decision is part of a vast drive to internationalize the yuan, raising the Chinese currency to the highest ranks of international transactions. It’s with this aim in mind that China has signed currency exchange agreements and opened clearing houses designed to facilitate the financing and payment of the country’s commercial transactions. What are the motivations of the Chinese authorities behind this drive to establish the yuan as a global currency? What benefits do they hope to derive from it? What errors do the Chinese authorities run the risk of making if they move too quickly towards an openly-traded yuan? Will the yuan become a rival to the euro and the dollar?


Latest related events

Korea at the Crossroads: Geopolitics, Economics and Political System

Tuesday 21 October 2014 - International conference on Korea

Tuesday 21st October 2014 09:00 to 18:00COLLEGE DE .....


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Asia centre

Asia Centre Founded in August 2005 by François Godement and a team of researchers and experts in contemporary Asia, Asia Centre aims to conduct research on contemporary Asia, to organize debates and enhance, through publications, the results of this research and encounters.