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Perspectives on Japan’s openness to the world in 2014

Friday 22 August 2014

The number and nature of international rankings published in large-circulation magazines have grown ..... read more

Southeast Asia and its diverse security challenges

Monday 11 August 2014

L'Asie du Sud-est face à la diversité des défis sécuritairesSeptember 2013 read more

National and International Challenges for the Special Law on Protecting State Secrets

Friday 18 July 2014

The vote held on 6 December 2013 for the Special Law on Protecting State Secrets (tokutei himitsu ..... read more

A Constitutional Revision in Japan in 2014?

Tuesday 07 January 2014

Japan Analysis' 32nd issue comes at the end of a year of analysis of Japanese current affairs, ..... read more

Japan's Position in the Overall Security Arrangements for the Asia-Pacific Region in 2013

Thursday 31 October 2013

In September 2012, the world discovered how much Sino-Japanese relations have deteriorated since the ..... read more


Latest related media

Tuesday 09 September 2014

In the 1970s and 1980s, dozens of Japanese citizens were abducted by North Korea. Many were used to help train North Koreans to fit into Japanese society as spies. Officially there were just 17 such cases but Japan's National Police Agency estimates that as many as 860 of the nation's missing persons may have been abducted by Pyongyang. Now Tokyo says it is determined to secure the return of all of its citizens. Why did it take so long to Pyongyang to admit these kidnappings? The Japanese government says it is going to set up a commission, but in more than a decade it seems that there have not been much progress, why? Have other countries been involved in the abducted citizens case and tried to help Japan to get the detainees back? Will Pyongyang end up to admit that there are more abductees than 17? What the actual number might be? Why would Japan ease sanctions for getting back its own nationals?


Latest related events

Putin’s options in East Asia

Monday 30 June 2014 - Asia Debates

This conference is co-organized with the ECFR and the Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian. The meeting will be held in english and will be chaired by François Godement .....


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Asia Centre Founded in August 2005 by François Godement and a team of researchers and experts in contemporary Asia, Asia Centre aims to conduct research on contemporary Asia, to organize debates and enhance, through publications, the results of this research and encounters.