State of Conflicts in Asia: What Strategic Outlooks for 2013?

Jeudi 07 mars 2013

Paper for the magazine Diplomatie

Auteurs : Antoine Bondaz - Agatha Kratz - Emmanuel Puig

In terms of strategy, 2012 was a uniquely significant year for Asia. In addition to specific internal conflicts, the year was marked by leadership changeovers, American policy shift in favour of the region and intensified territorial disputes. This article will review each of these relationships by focussing successively on three key regional groups: Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia. In essence, it highlights the fact that Chinese diplomatic assertiveness was the most important phenomenon of the year.


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Antoine Bondaz (Research Assistant at Asia Centre), Agatha Kratz (Editor in Chief of China Analysis), David Péneau (Research Assistant at Asia Centre) and Emmanuel Puig (head of the China Observatory) have created an overview of the main Asian conflicts and their various outlooks for 2013, in an article for the 13th edition of the Grands Dossiers de Diplomatie, a special edition on the state of conflicts in 2013.


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Asia Centre Fondé en août 2005 par François Godement et une équipe de chercheurs et experts de l’Asie contemporaine, Asia Centre a pour objectif de conduire des recherches sur l’Asie contemporaine, d'organiser des débats et de valoriser, par des publications, les résultats de ces recherches et rencontres.